After establishing the settlement of San Francisco, visionary mission president Fr. Junipero Serra journeyed south to found Mission San Juan Capistrano, Alta Californias seventh, on November 1, 1776. By order of King Carlos III of Spain, El Pueblo de la Reina de los ngeles (the Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels) was founded on September 4, 1781, following the recommendation of the first California governor, Felipe de Neve. At nearby Mission San Gabriel Arcngel, de Neve gathered a group of 11 men, 11 women, and 22 children, soldiers, mission priests, and a few Indians and traveled nine miles to the banks of the Los Angeles River, blessing the new site. By 1800, the city of Los Angeles had a population of 300 with a meeting hall, guardhouse, army barracks, and granary. Built a days journey apart on El Camino Real, the Mission San Fernando Rey de Espaa was dedicated on September 8, 1797, and completed the lineage of Californias monumental landmark missions near Los Angeles.
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